Senin, 18 Maret 2019


"Playing Phone or Being Played by Phone"

Hmmm, Nowdays it is difficult to find a teenager or even a kid who does not have a phone, they are very close with it and most of them more capable in compared with their parents yet their age are very young.
But phone as we know has two sides, one is the bad side that we shouldn't do, and another side is a good side that we should do. If we use it wisely phone can help us on working, studying, and so many activities. But if we do not use it wisely phone also can destroy our job, our carrier, our happiness, our quality time, and so on. Many people mostly lack of attention to both of these two sides, not only kids but also teenagers, young people,  and even old people, sometimes they play phone over and over for all days and forgetting to do the things they should do, forgetting their duties, forgetting the time.
I myself sometimes feels that I am being addicted with phone, it can be seen by looking the time I spent to my phone, and this addiction affected my study in campus in terms of completing the task, do homework, and studying for better grade. I just knew it but couldn't avoid it or force myself to be wiser as a phone user.
Lately, I always procrastinated all the things just because playing phone for nothing, sometimes just checking the social media, sometimes just searching on YouTube or Google, or playing game. I just can force myself to stop play it when the deadline is on my eyes.
I do not know how to stop it instantly and continuously. I always imagine how was my live without smartphone, I think it can be better. But in fact it can not be separated totally, in campus it needed to connect with friends and lecturers and so many advantages. For the last, I wish this addiction will be change at least will not going more severe. I worried it will make me fail on my study.

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