Minggu, 31 Maret 2019


No One can Replace Him

     There was an interesting story about choosing the figure for my biography book. The lecturer said that the figure should have the unique side to look up, the figure should near to us, and the figure should still live. When I heard these figure criteria my mind automatically chose an Aceh guy that near to my mosque. He has been lived there for 10 years. At his first coming, he was just an ordinary person. He who always called by the nickname Pak Aceh has a wife but they do not live together in one house. His wife is in Aceh but Pak Aceh lives in Medan. They just meet for days in a year. As I knew they did it because of a job. Now, Pak Aceh is not an ordinary person anymore but an extraordinary person, he reaches his success as ice cream reseller. Even he is a rich man but he is also a truly religious person. He is one of the imams in my mosque. And even his wife is very far away from him, he never doing cheating, and plays with any girls in Medan. His manner also quite good, charitable, humble, and friendly. I found all these his kindnesses and his good sides since 2 years ago and until now. These the reasons why my mind minded him as the figure. But a few minutes after it, I found the best figure more than him, the figure is my father. I think my father is not just a father but more than any father in this worlds. Finally, I chose my father as the figure of the biography book. 

Selasa, 26 Maret 2019


I start to write this story by thanking to Allah because He has placed me in a good surroundings where the people are so kind, the kids so cute, the teenagers have a good manner, and the managers of Mosque are humble, I am a Mosque guider. I have been lived here for two years it was since my first coming in Medan and that time I was in the first semester, and now I am in the sixth semester. During that time I can not count how much they helped me.
            From the deepest of my heart I am very proud and loved of them. This makes my feeling was in my own family. sometimes they give me some heavy food like food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and some food that just for snacking like porridge, soup, etc, moreover it not just about food but also about suggestion, advice, attention, support, pray, and and love, all these abstract things are definitely more precious than foods and money. In turn, the whole of these help are very helpful to me to study, to understand, to memorize, to work together, and to do all my campus activities even I lived in Mosque and also as a guider of mosque. I can not imagine how was my study if my surroundings and my society where I live in were full of hostility, ignorance, and others negative side, I thought I would fail on my education, my grade would so low, I could not focuss on my homework, could not work together in group, and could not do almost my campus activities, and the last I myself could be influenced by these negative society. How was live of the student like that? Thanks Allah for sending me a good society, they are my family here.


Luckily I Pay Attention: a story from the mistakes 

I was almost frustated about how the way to do the task that had given one week before the last meeting, so many tasks for some students like me, sometimes just like a problem or a gadfly on mind. But it's not for all the tasks, if I understand how it can be done clearly, surely it'll not such an annoying thing to me.
It's just happened to me, where I do not understand the task how it will to do. I had tried to ask some of my friends and also tried to searching on searching machine but it still could not understandable as I needed.
I worried this will continuously occurs to me, then will affect my results. Then I intended for the next meeting I would pay attention more to the lecturer and would make some note to write the important things.
I met the meeting with the subject I'd confused the task. Absolutely my curiosity increased so much I listened to her explanation exactly. And made some writing on my note. And finally I got the new clues and also guidances of my confusion.
From this occurrence I am aware that the previous meeting was lack of pay attention to the lecturer, and this occurrence also teach me to be more take not of the explanation.

Senin, 18 Maret 2019


"Playing Phone or Being Played by Phone"

Hmmm, Nowdays it is difficult to find a teenager or even a kid who does not have a phone, they are very close with it and most of them more capable in compared with their parents yet their age are very young.
But phone as we know has two sides, one is the bad side that we shouldn't do, and another side is a good side that we should do. If we use it wisely phone can help us on working, studying, and so many activities. But if we do not use it wisely phone also can destroy our job, our carrier, our happiness, our quality time, and so on. Many people mostly lack of attention to both of these two sides, not only kids but also teenagers, young people,  and even old people, sometimes they play phone over and over for all days and forgetting to do the things they should do, forgetting their duties, forgetting the time.
I myself sometimes feels that I am being addicted with phone, it can be seen by looking the time I spent to my phone, and this addiction affected my study in campus in terms of completing the task, do homework, and studying for better grade. I just knew it but couldn't avoid it or force myself to be wiser as a phone user.
Lately, I always procrastinated all the things just because playing phone for nothing, sometimes just checking the social media, sometimes just searching on YouTube or Google, or playing game. I just can force myself to stop play it when the deadline is on my eyes.
I do not know how to stop it instantly and continuously. I always imagine how was my live without smartphone, I think it can be better. But in fact it can not be separated totally, in campus it needed to connect with friends and lecturers and so many advantages. For the last, I wish this addiction will be change at least will not going more severe. I worried it will make me fail on my study.

Selasa, 12 Maret 2019


Tasks and My Lack of Time Management

As the nature of human that stated by Dedi Mulyana in his book, he said that basically people are like to be free from any of responsibilities and duties (they do not want to be bounded with something) and moreover people will always try to delay and procrastinate the tasks or duties if they have the chance. After I read this fact I was aware why I always procrastinating my tasks, because I was unable to set and change my nature even I have already known about this fact.
It is difficult to change our habbit if we do not have good circumtances we live in, some good friends we socialize with, and have not the strong motivation or goals.
This three aspects just based my own opinion after many times doing procrastination.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

1. The Circumstances
The circumstances is the most modifyng factors in terms of changing the habbit or self nature. My own experienced proved it, when I was in my village I lived with my parents and one younger brother, there I was lazy to pray together in the Mosque but after I am living in Medan and became mosque guider, I will defenitely praying together in the Mosque. I inferred that my circumstances in village was not good enough in compared with my new circumstances in Medan.

2. Friends we join with
The second aspect that influence our habbit or self nature is our friends, if we were socialize with the people who have well self-discipline in life, ability to manage the time perfectly, and full of spirit in doing it, much or less they will influence us to do the same way they did.

3. Motivation/ Goals
Motivation it can be intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Motivation is the thing or things that can be the reason for us to push ourselves to change.
The person who has bad discipline and lack of time management will always feel regret for the change, time, energy and etc they ever had but did not take it wisely.

Last but not the least we have to remember that there no succes instantly without any struggle and sacrifice, no pain no gain.  Life is not just about eat, sleep, and breath, but life more than all of that, life is how to maximize our strengths and abilities to help each others.
Even I have known all good sides of time management and knowning all bad side of lack of self-discipline I can't put away this procrastination habits. Oh Allah, I seek more of your help to change this bad behavior.

Thanks for reading my diary. I hope you are having great discipline and time management. And for anyone who has the suggestions, tips, and tricks to manage the time continuously, please comment below. And for anyone who has the same problem with me, I wish you can share it on comentar column in order we can take some lesson to change our bad habbits😊😊😊

Kamis, 07 Maret 2019