Sabtu, 13 Juli 2019


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How is your technique? 

During the process of writing biography book there was many experiences, feeling, lessons, and new knowledge that can be taken. And this task benefits to build up or refresh our memory about the past. Actually we should not forget our past story because the past is the reason why present comes. By understanding and knowing about our past story we will know our self and family better and that as the way to respect them. I myself took my father as the figure and automatically because of this biography book I knew him far better than others this related to feeling side of the advantages of making biography book. In terms of experience, I know that to write some written in a good form and result we need to find out and determine our own way to increase our imagination and feeling of what we are written. At the first I didn't know this, I just wrote the biography without any musics. But, somehow I hearing a Koran recitation during wrote the biography, and suddenly I can feel more emotional in my imagination as well as my feelings about the figure, in turn it was appeared my ideas to arrange the words in making a good emotional sentences. Sometimes, I stopped just to hearing the recitation, this benefits to re-create the ideas and imagination. After this experience, I usually will hear Koran recitation when writing biography book. 
And the second technique that usually used on completing the biography book was about the time. Time that I meant is determine the best time to write the biography book. It can not be denied that time is one of the important thing to create a good written. Basically, you can write in anytime and anywhere but the result would not as good as you if you find your best time to write, because you should not write a sad part of story when your feeling was happy, you should not write a happy part when you were crying, and there are so many things that should be consider and pay attention to it in writing biography.

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